How Often Do You Really Need Drain Cleaning?

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There are a lot of DIY solutions out there to address the challenges of a slower or clogged drain. But how often do you really need drain cleaning by a professional?

Professional drain cleaning

At On Time Plumbing Inc., a large chunk of our business in the Southern Pines, North Carolina area is drain cleaning for our commercial and residential clients. That means we’ve witnessed a lot of the most common causes of clogged drains, and we’ve even seen what happens when the signs of a clogged drain are not so obvious.

Sometimes, clogged drains can be the result of excessive buildup. The kitchen sink is often the source of a lot of buildup from excess grease and food particles, and it’s a good rule of thumb to apply some sort of drain cleaning method to your kitchen sink once a week, or at least a few times a month. While it may seem ideal to use the harshest chemicals you can find, we think vinegar and boiling water is the safest bet for DIY remedies.

You may need some professional muscle for those larger clogs, and that’s where we come in! Professional drain cleaning can be a messy business, and that’s why it’s best to be left to the experts. We have heavy-duty equipment to assist with bigger backups.

Not sure if you need drain cleaning? A lot is dependent on how often you clear out your drains manually and how old your property is, but since a lot of clogged drains are hard to detect, you should seek professional drain cleaning every two years at a minimum